Saturday, October 8, 2011

Slaybles (syllable)

reminding me of christmas, a twisted time of year, reoccurring fiction reminds me of my fears, Sometimes it leaves my mouth without entering my ear, although my prize is pride in what i  come to hear. It realizes, it realizes me, it realize through, it realizes you, its real my eyes said, its real,my eyes said to me, its realizing you aren't all of you.

Friday, October 7, 2011


each more a self than another, each step away from my mother, each pray we prey on each other, each day has sisters and brothers.  worry more, worry more, with a morse code apology.  exponential inspiration biased and broken, Speaking around what is usually spoken.  Seeking the noun, in the game, for a token. Source of death diminished, definite life keeps growing.


all fantasy, no std.